D-STAR Gateway System (VE7VIC)

Already registered at VE7VIC?
Login with Callsign and Password.
Please note that Callsign and Password are case sensitive!
Callsign must be in Upper Case!

CallSign :
Password :
Lost your password? Send us an email to get it reset. Request at VE7VIC D-STAR Contact Form

Are you a NEW D-STAR user?
We welcome your request to register, but please do not proceed
if you have already begun to register here or at another D-Star Gateway.

You can check your status Reg Check #1 or Reg Check #2.

If you want to register at VE7VIC and are registered elsewhere,
please contact the Admins at that Gateway and ask them
to delete your callsign from their database. Once deleted, then
proceed with registration here. Thanks!

Registering takes just a few seconds, and
you won't have to enter your personal information
again the next time you visit here.

D-STAR is a digital protocol developed by the Japan Amateur Radio League (the JARL)
and stands for Digital Smart Technology for Amateur Radio.